Synopsis: One of Jackie’s early pre-stardom
films, this has the typical avenge-the-death-of-my-master plot so dear
to early Hong Kong films. Jackie is a student in a martial arts school,
and has vowed to seek revenge against the Master of the Patience Clan,
who killed his master. There’s a bit of a twist here, though:
when Jackie, traveling with his dead Master’s wife and daughter, who
have been like a family to him, finally confronts the Patience Clan
Master, he has cut off his own leg in remorse. How can you take revenge
on a one-legged man? Bitterly disappointed, Jackie and his foster mother
and sister decide to return home, but before they can leave, the mother
is stricken with a mysterious illness which can only be cured with the
secret family recipe of a gang of thieves and bullies known as the Wei
clan. Jackie is then
blackmailed by the Wei clan, who happen to be enemies of the Patience
Clan, into doing their dirty work in exchange for the medicine to save
his mother.
Debbie's Review: This is one of my favorite films that
Jackie made under the direction of Lo Wei. I like the story, because the
relationship between Jackie and his foster-family is kind of touching,
and Jackie does a fine job portraying a man torn between his duty to the
people he loves and feels honor-bound to protect, and his duty to do
what’s morally right. The fighting in this one isn’t spectacular,
but it’s good, and the battle at the end gets pretty exciting,
particularly when Jackie and his former enemy finally join forces, and
Jackie uses the old Master’s crutch as a weapon.
The overall tone of the movie is quite serious, but
it has lovely music, and an atmosphere that I just find appealing,
probably because it reminds me very much of an American Western from the
50s. It has the silent, stoic hero (Jackie) who is sort of the
equivalent of the hired gun, and the final battle feels almost like the
shoot out at the end of a Western. Worth checking out, I think.
Score: 5/10

Reader Reviews
Philip, The 13 year old Chan fan's
Review: Dragon Fist was a really disappointing film. The story isn't
that good and the few fights it has are absolutely rubbish. It's only
redeeming feature is that the final fight is actually rather good. Other
than that this film is rather crap.
Score: 4/10

Review: Didn't like this one either, it was blah, Bruce Lee rip off. ok
ending, if you can make it that far.

Jin Ke's Review: This was my first old-school
Jackie Chan movie, and it wasn't what I was expecting.
It was very serious, very bloody, and it didn't have the energy
I'd seen in "Armor Of God" or "Twin Dragons."
Still it wasn't bad, with a decent amount of kung-fu action.
However, it was one of those "Jackie just wins the fights
'cause he's the hero" type of films.
He didn't really get to showcase his talents, although the final
fight scene where he takes on a guy with spiked ton-fa sticks is well
done. He also gives a
pretty good acting performance, if a little stiff.

The Drunken
Master's Review: Well, I agree with "Joe" on this one - a Bruce Lee rip-off. This is one of Jackie's worst films, with not a funny moment in it! Jackie is serious all the way. Hey, at least he tried. Do not buy this except for a neat looking

Adam JC
fan's Review: This movie was not that good. A few good fights.