Jackie plays the legendary Wong Fei Hung, the turn-of-the-century
Chinese hero who is the subject of countless Chinese movies and plays,
and is portrayed by Jet Li in the Once Upon a Time in China series. The
catch here is that Jackie plays Fei Hung as a mischievous youth…a lazy
trouble maker who causes so much grief to his father that Dad
decides to send him away to be the student of Su Hua-Chi, a
famous Kung Fu teacher well-known for his harsh and demanding methods.
To avoid this fate, Fei Hung runs away, only to end up running directly
into the clutches of Su Hua-Chi anyway. He reluctantly begins learning
Kung Fu from the old master, and finally learns the Drunken Boxing style
of the Eight Immortal Fairies, a style made even more powerful when one
is actually drunk.
Debbie's Review: This movie followed right after the
fantastically successful Snake in the Eagle’s Shadow, and took the
comedy and slapstick up a notch. It made Jackie’s popularity in Asia
go through the stratosphere. Like SitES, it was made on loan to Seasonal
Pictures while Jackie was still under contract to Lo Wei. After this,
Jackie’s career would never be the same. I would put this one in my
top 5 list of Jackie’s movies. It’s just a pure delight from
beginning to end. Jackie’s youthful charm and energy, his dazzling
display of the Drunken Boxing style, his physical prowess during the
training scenes (he does 10 or 12 sit-ups while suspended upside down by
his ankles, and according to his autobiography he did a lot more that
got edited out) all make this movie an amazing display of Jackie’s
abilities. There are so many great fights in this film it’s hard to
remember them all, and they get better as the film progresses, climaxing
in a great battle between Jackie and Hwang Jiang-Lee.
The story is entertaining and flows from comedy scene to training
scene to fight scene without a gap anywhere. If you have only seen
Jackie’s big American releases, and want to see some of his old
traditional Kung Fu stuff, this is the place to start.
Score: 9/10

Reader Reviews
Chan-o-rama's Review: This was
seriously a kick a$$ movie! I watched this one 3 times back-to-back. It
was so hard to take in all of the action and comedy in just one showing.
There were so many great fights and jackie's true comic personality was
shown incredibly. To me, this movie feals like a Snake in the Eagle's
Shadow 2, they were both funny, and contained lots of action. They also
had pretty much the same cast. However you look at it, Drunken Master
will stand out in Kung Fu cinema for years and years to come.
Score: 10/10


Tony Hall's Review: I've been a Chan
Fan for well over 10 years now, i have about 30+ of his films but it is
only recently that i finally got off my arse and bought the dvd of
Drunken Master; all i can say is that now i know what the fuss was
about. I have to admit that i didn't like his "Rush Hour" and
"Shanghai" films too much as i think his style has been
diluted for the americanised commercial audience. His earlier stuff up
to the mid 90's is far superior and Drunken Master epitomises Jackie
Chan in my opinion. Fighting and comedy is what i like to see him do
best and this film is powered by these two traits. The fighting is
immaculate and the comedy is admittedly cheesy but that is why it works.
The film is peerless in it's innovation and seeing Jackie obviously
enjoying himself just adds to the appeal. Add to that; what seems to be
a cameo appearance by Bolo Yeung (in the restaurant fight) of Enter the
Dragon and Bloodsport and you have a film that just appreciates in value
with every viewing. Definately in my top 5 Chan films.
Score: 9.5/10

JCluver's Review: jackie plays a young
man (freddy) who keeps getting into loads of trouble from fighting
people over stupid reasons.this film contains great but also sumtimes
stale comedy parts.the kung fu rumbles were extrodinary , especially the
last fight.jackie once again makes a great film and this is by far one
of his top 10 hits.i would never ever buy this movie becuz u would only
be wastin time when u could actually purchase it and watch it over and
over whenever u of the funny parts of this flick i found to be
was when he bets his freinds that he can get a hug and a kiss from a
young nieve woman,her mother catches jackie flurting with the yound lady
and duels for a bit.freddy scatters of and goes home where he finds non
other than the naive lady and the overreacting mother,but it gets
better.freddy wong finds out that thses 2 woman are related to him!well
if u are interested in this film and are craving to watch it i wont tell
u ne more and ull have to watch this thrill a minute hit.with gut bustin
slapstick humour and heart pounding action, these 2 formulas make this
movie a great thing to veiw, check it out.

kdawg's Review: Wow! drunken master is
awsome! I want to comment on the person who said the restaurant fight
was the best. What the he** are you talking about!!!!???? That was like
one of the worst!!!! But besides that.this was a good movie and everyone
should see it.
Score: 8.5/10

Philip the 13 year old Chan fan's
Review: Drunken Master was absolutely fantastic. The fights are fast and
furious from start to finish. The scenes were Jackie is training are so
good, you can feel his pain. This film is best though, in the fact that
it made Jackie who he is today. A megastar. Anyway go the the shops, buy
this film and enjoy.
Score: 9/10

M's Review: HOLY SHITE there was some crazy action in this one but I
love Jackie's movies for the mix of action, comedy, and drama and I
found this focused a little too much on the action compared to other
Jackie movies. Definitely revolutionary for it's time however. I found
the comedy to be quite stale (mind you I was watching it at 2 a.m.).
Definitely worth a rent but if you are an action-whore, buy it.
Score: 9/10

No.2 Son's
Review: The best Jackie Chan film ever. You get 2 excellent
actors/martial artists in one picture - Hwang Jang Lee is phenomenal.
I'm also a big fan of the dubbing from the old version with great
lines like "each man one way, each horse one stance, each church
one buddah, each master to his own technique".
Score: 10/10

Review: A top-notch action comedy from Jackie. Some great fight
sequences, with ground-breaking and innovative use of props in a number
of them. Some of the comedy is a bit too cheesy for the film's good, but
on the whole this effort flows together very well. The acting is
ordinary at times, but that's almost to be expected.The film has a
really great sense of fun and entertainment throughout,it is a great
film to watch. This is right up there with his very best work, it is a
film every Chan fan should watch. Jackie is very solid as the
mischevious Wong Fei-Hung,and he looks like he's having fun in this one.
Score: 8.5/10

Steven Richardson's Review: This film
is pretty damn dope, no doubt about it. Must see,however i think
it is a little over-rated compared it Snake In The Eagles Shadow which
in my opinion is his best film along with Police story and Thunderbolt
Score: 10/10

Master's Review: Simply a work of art. By far the best Movie he has
ever done, The fight sequences are perfect and mixed with some comedy
you cant go wrong. A must see film
Score: 10/10

Mike Bromby's Review: This is an
absolutely amazing film and in my view one of , if not the best Jackie
Chan film ever made. It is jammed packed with action and fight scenes
along side a huge amount of comedy. This is one of the best films i have
ever seen and has no floors whatsoever in my view.
Score: 10/10

Bally's Review: One of his Best movies ever! I have have seen so much
action in my life I give this a 9/10.
Badre Bally from Egypt.
Score: 9/10

Ojje's Review: I think this movie is
excellent they are so much fighting in it no good stunts in it. but the fighting is
excellent. the first part of the movie he was just a lousey soon that did bad things until his father got rid of him to be trained by an old man called begger
Su he did not like the training of him so he ran off only to get beat up by
Thunderfoot Hwang Jang Lee. Then he wanted to be trained by begger Su to learn a secret syle the eight druken faires. they loads of good fights in the movie my best was in the
restrant were he had to pay or die and he did not have any money so he had to fight for his
life. This movie is great you will love to see this movie 24:7.
Score: 9.5/10
L Review: Jackie plays Wong Fei Hung excellantly in probably the best film he made in the
70's. The comedy is a bit cheesy but not terrible and the fight
choreography is superb. This film really showcases Jackie's ability and
skill, and is enjoyable for both Jackie Chan fans and gong-fu practitioners to watch and
Score: 9/10

Joe's Review: Funny movie, with some nice fights. A
little outdated, but I liked it. The best parts are the training
sessions, with Jackie trying to get away. The fight in the restaurant
ain't too shabby.

The Drunken Master's Review: This is one of Jackie's better films,
definitely the best of the 70's! ""Drunken Master"" features Jackie in perhaps one of his best roles as Freddy Wong (later Wong Fei-Hung) and the amazing Siu Tien Yuen as the Drunken Master Sam Seed. A must-see. Great acting, good music, and funny story. His training is funny, as are many parts of the film. Followed later by the great
"Drunken Master II". Hey, don't miss this!
Score: 9/10

Review: I Liked this movie and all the traditional kung fu fighting. This movie have a lots of fighting and thats what jackie uses in his old movies...fighting and not so much stunts and comedy.
Well choregraped and a little bit comedy but when Jackie get spank and
nearly start to cry... Couldnt they just have done something like the
usual, I will come back.
To start to cry and think back of these things was too much, But that is only 10-15 minutes of the movie... The rest of it is
really funny to watch and some amazing fight scenes.
Score: 8/10