A shiftless orphan (Jackie), after being mistaken for a famous
warrior, is employed by a clan to guard the shipment of some rare family
treasures through dangerous territory.
Debbie's Review:
In his early 20’s, when he was still under contract to the
eeeevil Lo Wei, Jackie convinced Lo to let him have more creative
control. Half a Loaf
represents a very early “experiment” by Jackie in lampooning the
traditional Kung Fu movie. Lo Wei hated the film and refused to release
it, until after Jackie had become a huge success with Snake in the
Eagle’s Shadow and Drunken Master. This film has some very funny
moments, including a dream sequence in which Jackie is picked on by some
bullies and becomes a super-fighter by pulling up and eating some
spinach. Depending on which version you find, the familiar “Popeye”
music is playing in the background. Dean Shek is on hand as a wandering,
flatulent Kung Fu teacher who shows Jackie a couple of moves, called
“The Concubine” and “The Steel Finger” (you can probably guess
which finger is the steel one). Another funny moment
comes during a fight when Jackie, still learning Kung Fu, must dodge
kicks and punches while trying to learn his stances from a torn up manual
whose pages are being blown every which way. It’s all very silly, and all in
good, goofy fun. The fight choreography, while not as exciting as some
of Jackie’s later films, is still definitely good enough to hold your interest.
Score: 5/10

Reader Reviews
Anonymous Review: silly kung fu
komedi with bad fights. the script lousy and jackie is mostly silly in
the film. and debbie jackie didnt direct this film it whas fearless
hyena that jackie directed, chen-chi Hwa directed this film. [You're
right, thanks. Correction noted and made. You wanna take over the site?
You seem to know lots more than I do! - Debbie]
Score: 1/10

The Drunken Master's Review: I recently purchased this film and
"Dragon Fist" for video covers to send to Jackie, but I thought I might as well watch them. AAAHHHH! This film is one of Jackie's worst films. It features too many jokes that children would do (there is a master who always farts and when he does Jackie makes a really weird face). It's better than some of his earliest films, but it's still HORRIBLE!
Buy it for a video cover.
Score: 3/10