A sleazy lawyer (Jackie) is hired to defend a corrupt businessman (Yuen
Wah) whose factory has been dumping industrial waste into the waters of
a local fish hatchery. So the lawyer (called
Johnny in the subtitles, in spite of the fact that the other characters
are quite plainly calling him “Jackie”) hires a couple of his pals
to spy on the owner of the hatchery and her pretty partner, in order to
obtain evidence for his case. However, romance begins to develop between
Jackie and his beautiful opponent.
Debbie's Review: This movie is, sadly, the last on-screen
collaboration between all of the Three Opera Brothers, Jackie, Sammo
Hung and Yuen Biao. Many regard this as their best film together,
although in my opinion that honor would go to Wheels on Meals. (If
you’re wondering, BTW, about the strange title of that film, it was
originally supposed to be Meals on Wheels. However, Golden Harvest had
had a string of flops that year, all beginning with the letter “M”, so with
typical Chinese superstition they switched the order of the title
words!) Dragons Forever proved to be a difficult experience for the
brothers, however. When production began to run out of time, Jackie took
over directing from big brother Sammo in order to finish before the
Chinese New Year. Hard feelings may have contributed to the fact that
the brothers would not work together for a while, and then only in
pairs, not all three together.
Be that as it may, Dragons Forever is a standout
action movie. Probably its main high-point is a re-match between Jackie
and kick-boxing champion Benny “The Jet” Urquidez. Although I
personally feel that it lacks some of the sizzle of the Wheels on Meals
fight, it’s still a great match. Dragons Forever is also the only film
in which all three brothers go toe-to-toe against each other in a comic
brawl that leaves you wanting more.
What somewhat spoils this film for me is the
maudlin romantic sub-plot between Sammo’s character and the female
environmentalist, but then I think this is one of Sammo’s main faults,
and why I am not a huge Sammo fan: his strong tendency toward melodrama.
However, Yuen Biao’s wacky character portrayal is pure fun.
Unfortunately, one of Biao’s key scenes has been cut from the Hong
Kong release of this film: a scene that has him visiting his
psychiatrist and getting bad advice from a gangster by mistake. This is
a key scene that is important to the story continuity, and I’m not
sure why any one would cut it out.
Nevertheless, Dragons Forever has a good blend
of comedy, romance and action, and Jackie is surprisingly believable as
a skirt chasing lawyer. It's a refreshing change from seeing him as a cop. And Yuen Wah is delightfully nasty as the drug-pushing
Score: 8/10

Reader Reviews
Anonymous's Review: I think that this
is a charming martial arts film but Jackie Chan whas doubled aloth in
the fight scenes, this is very because jackie often doze his own stunts.
the scenes where jackie is doubled is on the boat fight, the fight
betwen him and benny Urquidez and the fight outside jackies home. the
fights in the film are well choreographed toght.
Scoire: 7/10

Adam Celander's Review: An ok
martial arts film. The film is to chezzy and the fight scenes are just
decent. The martial arts master Yuen Biao who was Jackie Chan,s stunt
double in (The young master, My lucky stars and Drunken master) has a
small roll and only appear in the movie in brief scenes until the end
and his martial arts skills are not fully shown. Dragons forver is an
entertaining film with humor, romance and violence.
Score: 6/10

JACKAL's Review: This was the first
film I saw with Yuen, Sammo and Jackie together at the time I had yet to
see Project A (drool) or Wheels On Meals or Lucky Stars and
Twinkle...(less said about the latter 2 the better) Anyway its a farly
solid movie with good fight scene and action pieces (boat fight, Benny
the jet fight etc) I do feel Yuen got the best character and he plays it
with relish with good comedic effect, Sammo's character plays the usual
sacrine flooded sentimental sub plot but also adds good action, the
finale is great and yuens acrobatics are unsurpassed as always. Jackies
character is a change of pace a woman mad(?) lawyer who falls for a nice
girl (everybody arrrrr)and hes action pieces are fab all in all a good
movie with hit and miss humor and kick ass action if not a tad
predictable and sentitmental.
Score: 7/10

Drunken Review Master's Review: A
great send-off for the 3 opera school brothers,as always there's great
chemistry between Jackie,Sammo,& Yuen Biao,with good light hearted
humor,a gentle,entertaining storyline,as well as some great fast fight
scenes including a short but sweet fight between the 3 brothers and
Jackie Chan vs.Benny"The Jet"Urquidez pt.2 which wasn't as
good as what I was expecting but still had some pretty cool stuff in it
especially when Jackie does a quick backfall then a kip-up to avoid
Benny's cresent kick.The coolest part of the movie I thought was in the
factory fight there were some of the most dangerous& painful looking
stunts performed by the JC Stuntman Club,like when JC flips a guy with
his leg and the man goes flying crashes through a glass window then
falls more than 25 feet crashing through a metal pipe before falling on
the hard unforgiving concrete floor.Great movie quality,really surprised
Score: 8.5/10

Wilkin's Review: This was the 1st '3
brothers' film i saw and.....i loved it, its very funny and has some
great fights/stunts.
alot better then most Chan movies ive seen.
Score: 8/10

Review: WOW Joe you seem think every Jackie movie is boring huh?
Dragons Forever is the funniest of all the movies the three brothers
been in. One of my favorite scenes was in the dark room. One
of the scenes was that Jackie says that Sammo is his friend and Biao
says lots of things with the word "friend" in it LOL.
Without Biao in this film it would be a 10/10.
Score: 20/10
Review: Dragons Forever being the 2nd movie I'd seen undubbed (first was
project A) just made me want to watch it over and over again....sad
thing it is STILL not in my private I will have to
review it from memory...
Hilarious! Part when Jackie has the girl over for dinner and Sammo Hung
and Yuen Biao come into the same apartment...Sammo hiding under/by a
lamp...The 3 actually fighting and Jackie keeps saying stop fighting,
stop fighting...
Also the boat scene: took my breath from laughing too much...
Overall: light hearted movie, perfectly showing what the terrible trio
(at least at that time) was capable of... Jackie always referred to
Buster Keaton after ALL that time was still remembered for his
movies.....I truly believe that Dragons forever will be one movie Jackie
and Sammo and Yuen will always be remembered for...
Score: story 8 acting 7, teaming up
big fat 10, comedy worth 10+

Joe's Review: Much better effort than Wheels On
meals. More action, a little better comedy, making this a decent movie.

Brendan's Review: This movie has some really good fights, some weird-yet-amusing comedy and some oddly-acted drama. This is not a great Jackie film, but is pretty good anyway. Yuen Biao and Samo Hung are in good form in this one as well. If you haven't seen it, and are a Chan fan, then I suggest you give this flick a
Score: 7/10

Adam JC fan's
Review: This movie was kind of good. It had good fight scenes. The last fight was
Score: 7.5/10