Cal's Review: It’s farce all the way. Everyone pretends to be everyone else, and the comedy angle
is played up as Score: 9/10
Chan Fan1986's Review: This is definitely JC's best movie ever. Unbelievabe prop fights, amazing acting, great story, and wonderful scenery. Anita Mui is the best actress in Hong Kong along with Maggie Cheung, and it is nice to see her with Hong Kong's greatest actor. This is a beautiful movie, with comedy getting 9 of 10, acting getting 10 of 10, and action getting 10 of 10. If you have not seen this you have not seen JC's best movie. Score: 100/10 best movie ever HERVEY TAYLOR's Review: Miracles is
a great directorial effort from Chan. The setting, the acting, the music
and the costumes and scenery was elegant and nice. Anita Mui really
shines too in this movie. She is also a great actress. Jackie Chan is
always great, but Anita Mui helped to bring this movie up a couple of
notches too. (That's the way to have a great movie isn't it?) So, then
there was good appearances by Ken Lo and Richard Ng as the inspector.
Aslo, very nice cameo by Amy Yip.(Her bosom cought me for a moment) Score: 10/10 Glen M's Review: I don't see how this movie could have gotten anything but a perfect 10, [ed. note: That's what I told Cal!! -Debbie] this film is amazing (and yes, I came to this conclusion BEFORE reading his book, lol). This is the only Jackie film that had me replaying the whole movie in my mind over and over. BUY IT!!! Score: 10/10 THENEXTJACKIECHAN'S Review: Man I LOVE this film.the comedy is about 100 out of 10 and Action is 99 out of 10.the comedy is funny like hell and action scenes are really good when jackie uses his amazing kicks.well watch this if u r bored. Score: 100/10 Ojje's review: i think this movie is pretty damm good for comedy but not his best for action. but this is why its my favouroute film for all round entertainment and brings a different style to chans films. Score: 9/10 alwaysjackiefan's
Review: After watching about 25 (maybe more) Jackie movies, and already
had stated few of my favourites, bumped into this one, had read reviews
of it as being quite different. didn't know what to expect....as I've
always known reviews to be quite personal..But after watching it I can
honestly state that for my (even after watching about 25 Jackie movies)
this one IS STANDING ON THE LONELY HIGH PLACE OF BEING NO 1! Score: over ten (if possible) *** Juan Contreras' Review: This is one of my favorite Jackie Chan movies. I can sit back and enjoy watching it. It may lack the action of Project A or Police Story, but it shows that Jackie can handle drama as well as action. It has great comedy and some real good action choreography, like the final fight in the rope factory. And the directing style is also great. It also has many cameos from other Hong Kong actors. Score: 10/10 Peter A's Review: This is a great movie- it has everything. Action, comedy, drama-it has something for everybody. A great film. Score: 8.5/10 Joe's Review: Good movie marred by length and and everything else except the action. But the action is great. Score: 6/10. Brendan's Review: This movie is pretty damn good. Cool, well-staged and well-shot fights, some good comedy, and a little drama too. A little different to your average Chan flick, but quite enjoyable nonetheless. Camera-work is top-notch, the scene with Jackie's intended walking through a building is his favourite moment as a director. Well worth watching, just be prepared for something a LITTLE different to usual. Score: 7/10 "Biggiest Fan"s Review: I think it was a pretty good movie. Even though there wasn't enough action. It was mostly talking and drama. Also, when I read the summary on the back of the video box, it had nothing to do with the story. It goes from one subject to another. First it was about him trying to get along with the gang than somehow it got switched to him helping her about her problem and totally went off that he was trying to get with the gang which was pretty confusing. Score: 8/10 Adam JC fan's Review: This movie was ok. I wish there would of been a little more fighting. That is what I was expecting before I rented it. Score: 7/10 |