Ka Kui Chan (Jackie Chan) is a police officer on a mission to bring down
a criminal gang. He arrests
the boss in spectacular style in the first ten minutes of the film –
and also his secretary Selina (Brigitte Lin).
The latter is coerced into testifying against her former boss,
but changes her mind after discovering that Ka Kui isn’t beyond using
a trick or two to secure a witness.
The boss gets off without the crucial evidence, and vows to make
things as hard as possible for Ka Kui…
Review: Simply the greatest
piece of movie entertainment ever in my opinion.
Events occur at such a dizzying pace that it’s hard to explain
fully the thing. You just
end up wanting to say “this happened, then this…and then this
happened!” and then realise that you’re still only talking about the
start of the movie where Chan demonstrates that the quickest way from
point A to point B is a straight line by
driving through
a shanty town. Then
there’s the bus stunts…then…see what I mean?
Maggie Cheung plays it for laughs as Chan’s girlfriend, and
along with Brigitte Lin provides much of the film's slapstick humour –
although the scene with Chan manning the phones at a deserted police
station is also worthy of note.
To be
honest, the film would have still been great even without the final
fifteen minutes. In a pure
rage he corners the gang in a shopping mall and literally goes berserk.
Nothing is held back. The
whole mall becomes a battleground, and is ultimately trashed in a very
satisfying way!
copied, never equalled. Its
legacy can still be seen today in action films both east and west –
when you find yourself mumbling, “Yeah, that bit’s from Police

Reader Reviews
KUNG FU SUPERCOP's Review: The prequel
to supercop.This is a great flm.Lots of action stunts and humor.He made
this film because he did not like the way the protector was made.The
story is about a cop tha keeps a girl at his house(Brigette lin) because
some crooks are out to get her.His girlfriend(Maggie Cheung) thinks he
is having an affair.My favorite parts were the bus scene and the mall
fight scene.Great movie if you like supercop,jackie chan or funny cop
films you will like this film. Question:How come on the video trailer for police story it says its RATED R but
everywhere else it says its RATED PG-13.
Score: 10/10

Super Dragon's Review: One of jackie
chans best hong kong films.Amazingly action packed.this movie was
playing on SBK.There are lots of old j.c films playing on SBK like
police story,police story 2,operation condor and supercop.This is also
besides being an acion film it is also a comedy like all other Jackie
chan films.There are sequels to this like police story 2,supercop,first
strike and new police story.I reccomend it to all J.C fans
Score: 8/10

Funky Dragon's Review: Wow! The movie
that started it all.A great Jackie chan movie.If you see it around you
must by it and these are the sequels if you like it:Police story
2,supercop, supercop 2,first strike and there making a new one called
new police story. My favorite scene in the movie was the final fight in
the mall.I saw this on Upn with police story 2.
Score: 10/10

Anonymous Review: From all of the JC
movies, I think this was probably my best JC film ever!!!! The ending
scene was terrific when Jackie got mad in the shopping brawl. There were
some fantastic stunts though eg. Pole-Slde, Bus Stunt. If you're a JC
fan, I request you should watch this film. I swear you'll love it.
Score: 10/10

Chan-o-rama's Review: This film will
by far be my favorite JC movie ever. Whoever said that its overrated
deserves a shot in the face. Really. Police Story couldnt be futher away
from such a comment. When i first popped it into the VCR, my jaw dropped
and i couldnt pick it up with even a crane. Jackie really cheated death
in this one. Driving through buildings, hanging from moving buses,
sliding down 100 feet poles, big falls, cuts, the works. The fight
scenes were also the best that they could have been. I will never forget
the last fight in the mall. God knows how long it took to make Police
Story that masterpiece that it became. It would be a sin to not like
Police Story.
Score: 15/10

J's Review: I heard someone say that this film exemplifies the
philosophy that "imitation is the greatest form of flattery".
Well, they're not wrong. Sly Stallone used the bus confrontation in
"Tango & Cash", Brandon Lee replicated a bike/glass stunt
in "Rapid Fire", this film's influence can be viewed in many
subsequent action films for the fact that it rejeuvinated the
contemporary action film genre.
Jackie has publicly stated that this is one of his favourite films and
its not hard to see why. People often just focus on the fights and
stunts (justifiably, as they are amazing) but I particularly like this
film as it provides a credible story with nice moments of comedy and
drama, neither of which are overplayed to any significant degree (maybe
the birthday cake scene...), It even has a pretty good courtroom scene!
Basically, it seemed to make more effort of the narrative front, with
regard to caring about the characters rather than providing a flimsy
framework for a string of fights scenes (note: I'm referring to HK
films, by Hollywood standards, the story is still pretty flimsy).
However, as already mentioned, where this film really excels is the
incredible action. There are at least half a dozen stunts in the first
10 mins that would suffice for most western stuntmen as pinnacles of
their career, Jackie does them all himself...and then raises the bar
again with the pole slide at the end!
Amazing stunts, brutal fights (without being overtly violent), lovely
moments of drama, tension and comedy, great perfoermances from all the
main players - this film sees Jackie at his physical peak. Watching it
nearly twenty years later, the film ages superbly, if it wasn't for the
80's hair and technology, you could be forgiven for believing it to be a
modern day film, such is the sophistication of the action.
Often imitated, yet to be surpassed - the genius that is Police Story.
Score: 9/10

kdawg's Review: This movie pretty much
sucks behind until the end. Way over rated,i give this a
Score: 7/10

Review: this has to be 1 of my all time favourite chan films out of the
32 in my collection.The fights are awsome all you who've seen know what
i mean(THE MALL) and the stunts are just as amazing. A lot of critics
regard this film of having a simple plot but i feel that its great its a
typical cop film except its 1000 times better because its a jackie chan.
if u want to buy jc or other hk martial artists dvds or vids go to or

Yong's Review: I like the pacing
of this film. Not too fast, not too slow. It's very enjoyable. And the
shopping mall fight, wow! My favourite!
Score: 10/10

Shinjiro Kusanagi's Review: This
movie is great. The action and perfect and the fighting is what got me
into martial arts.
Score: 10/10

HERVEY TAYLOR's Review: Simply put,
"Chan is the Man!!" First Chan made "the Protector"
and was so disapointed with it. Then he made his own police action movie
and showed those Hollywood chumps how action with martial arts should be
done. This movie is either over rated or under rated. However, I feel
that it is definately one of Chan's best. It is simply a REAL Jackie
Chan movie. Great. The finale blew me away.
DON'T get the NEW LINE CINEMA version. It has good picture quality, but
they totally destroed the film. New Line wasn't thinking when they put
in music from other New Line Cinema releases of Chan. Just watch Mr.
Nice Guy and Rumble in the Bronx and you will hear the same music from
the New Line Cinema releases.
Get the original, and see a classic in it's true form.
Now all Chan needs to do is show Brett Ratner how to do a REAL Rush
Police Story is a REAL police actioner.
Highly Recomended!!
Score: 9/10

Drunken Review Master's Review:
Certainly Hong Kong's best action movie ever, if not even one of the
best of all time. This movie had the best stunts I've ever seen and they
all included Jackie, no doubles, no camera work, it was 100% Jackie
Chan. My favorite part of the movie was the unbelievable glass
shattering Mall Brawl that had some of the most ferocious action from JC
I had ever seen. Definently his best movie, Bruce Lee had Enter The
Dragon, Jackie Chan has Police Story.

paul l's Review: This movie
ROCK'S the stunts were the best i have EVER SEEN the best jackie chan
movie behind Drunken master 1.
Score: 10/10

Review: One of jackies best films or the best film, one i watch
over and over again a great start and great ending in the shopping mall
my favourite JC film just beating Project A
Score: 10/10

M's Review: This movie was great, I think anyone could watch this
movie and leave fealing they got their $'s worth, it's got action (no
doubt lol), comedy, and drama. In fact, for the comedy part, this movie
has my favourite comedy spot in any Jackie film, the part where he grabs
Maggie Cheung off of her motorbike onto her ass, lol...the look on his
face after he does it "WHAT HAVE I DONE??!!" lol. Awesome
movie, BUY IT!
Score: 9.5/10

Review: Wow! This movie is such a great!! I really like this movie. It
is full of action, comedy and romance with Maggie Cheung.. I know that
this movie is the favorite movie of Jackie Chan in regards with stunts
sequence....Wow..... this is really a big hit!!!I like Jackie and

Joe Cool's
Review: Ground-breaking action film. Hollywood have been stealing ideas
from this (and a lot of other HK action films) for years now, but none
can match the pure excellence of this within its genre.Exciting to
watch, with some great fights, stunts,and a little bit of comedy, which
is at times quite amusing. One of Jackie's very best films.
Score: 9/10

Game's Review: There's not too much I can say that the rest of you
have aleady summed up. I wil say this, for the time it was written, it
has to be the best plot of a Jackie Chan film during the 1980's. Project
A, Heart of Dragon, The Young Master, none of these match up to Police
Story. It's great to see that after all the avenge-my-master type movies
that this comes along, showing the life and times of what crime in hong
kong was like. I always like to see this as Jackie against Lo Wei. I
think one of the best parts in the movie, at the end of the first fight
between Jackie and Ku's men, Selena comes back with Jackie's gun, and
when she fires and falls to the ground everyone drops down. If you look
in the far right of the wide open shot, in the background on a truck,
you can see the JC symbol that appears on his shirts and other things.
I've only seen the American version of this, so Jackie's name in the
film is Jackie, not a different name. Police Story 2 was just as action
packed, the story matches the first really good, changing the Ku story
was the best idea.
Score: 10/10

Danny's review: their is not much to
say about this movie really it pretty much speaks for its self which its
maybe the best action and martial arts movie ever made better than any
Bruce Lee movie by far Bruce may have been the first but Jackies the
best. and this movie really shows it from the amazing bus stunt to the
mall brawl to the great glass slide it truly does show what Jackie can
do. If only there were more movies like this.
Score: 11/10

Aubrey's Review: Well I thought this
movies was really good but i dont say that this movie is the best movie
he has ever made but I think it is one of his bests. I still think
Drunken master 1 and 2 is the best and I thought the fights here were
amazing but not as amazing as Jet li. I loved the part when he
punches Kou 21 times making that mean look. Rent this movie or buy it if
your a jackie chan lover so got to go.
Score: 2/10

Ojje's Review: This movie is the best action movie i have ever seen .
So you start things off with a bus chase were the stunt that Chan did was
excellent the middle is good with a few short fight scenes then at the end the fight in the shopping mall is so great kicking each other around the shopping mall
through glass and shelves. i love fighting watching it and sometimes having toy fights with my
friends. So my favorite part of the movie is the pole slide right at the end,
but i imagone that hurt Chan alot. Rent this movie now it is the best
Score: 11/10

Chan Fan's Review: WOW!! This has to be one of my favourite Jackie Chan flick if not my
favourite. The fights are phenomenal totally mind~boggling!The stunts are sheer Chan magic better than most Hollywood films. A true

Joe's Review: Overrated is good word to sum this
movie up. I liked it, but everyone saying its the best action movie ever
is a little too much (that honor goes to A better Tomorrow). The ending
is great, the beginning is decent, and the middle is slow with two short

Salim's Review: Ok, I am happy with the score that
the creator of this website gave it. With the amount of effort Chan put
in, it deserves that score. Although, as Armour Of GOd is my fave Chan
film, I would probably give it a little less than 10.
Secondly, about Joe's review, that's totally true
dude. I love A Better Tomorrow and Chow Yun Fat as well, but to say that
the action is better than Police Story, no way. I mean, yeah, it looks
good, but it must have been easy to make, just jump about with things in
your hand and pretened to get shot. Just LOOK at how fast that fighting
is at the end of Police Story, it is so well choreographed and the
amount of injuries that Chan encountered during this scene, it makes me
wonder why Chan actually did all that just for a movie ( yeah I know he
wanted to prove himself to the director of The Protector how good he is
when directing himself ). Thanks for reading this, bye.
Score: 9.5/10
James' Review: This is one awesome movie. The fights are brilliantly choreographed, the stunts are excellent, and even the storyline and acting are very decent, with a few exceptions. Well worth seeing- it's a great, great
Score: 8.5/10
The Drunken Master's Review: Ah, Police Story. SEE IT!!! This is one of Jackie's best films! Followed by...uh...a lot of sequels, this is a great movie. Jackie is acting at his hardest, the plot is great, the stunts, amazing (as always) A breath-taking film. No fan of action or martial arts, Chan fan or not, can miss this. DO NOT MISS IT! RENT IT (or better yet, buy it)
Score: 10/10
Adam JC fan's Review: I thought that this movie was great. The bus chase was wonderful.
Score: 9/10
Review: This is one of my favourite Jackie Chan films. The action in this one is great and the action sequences are probably the best of Jackie's career. There is some dumb comedy, but this has a great pace, awesome stunts, and is highly enjoyable for any Chan
Score: 8.5/10