Crime Story is based on an actual kidnapping incident as told by the HK police
officer who worked on the case. Jackie plays Det. Eddie Chan, who is
assigned to protect a slightly unscrupulous HK millionaire/businessman
who has been kidnapped before and fears a repeat of the event. His worst
fears are realized, and when he is taken hostage once again, it is up to
Det. Chan to foil the kidnappers. He soon comes to suspect fellow
officer Det. Hung of being involved with the kidnappers, and begins a
dangerous game of cat-and-mouse with him, trying to find the hostage
before it is too late.
Debbie’s Review: Along with Heart of Dragon, this
is Jackie’s most dramatic role, for which he was awarded Taiwan’s
Golden Horse award (the equivalent of Hollywood’s Oscar). He gives a
truly moving portrayal as a sensitive, duty bound cop with an aversion
to violence, but an almost maniacal devotion to his work. This movie
tends to disappoint fans who have never seen Jackie in a serious role
before, and it disappointed me too, at first. Now it is one of my
absolute favorite Chan films. There is no humor in this one at all…it
is quite serious and dark, and for some reason that fools fans into
thinking the action isn’t as good as some of his other films. Nothing
could be farther from the truth.
The film starts out as a psychological portrait of
a cop on the brink of a breakdown from the strains of police work, but
after an odd opening sequence in which a female psychologist, whose
office attire consists of a slinky black evening dress, seems more
intent on seducing Det. Chan than counseling him (not that I really
blame her) the film changes direction and becomes more of an
action-thriller. The change probably came about as the result of
artistic differences between Jackie and director Kirk Wong. Jackie won,
of course, and replaced Wong as director…mainly because of a steamy
sex scene that Jackie felt was out of place in a Chan film. Strangely,
even though Jackie won the fight over who would direct, the sex scene
remained in the film, and for once I think Jackie was wrong…the scene
helps establish the character (or rather lack of it) of Det. Hung and
develops the story.
On the whole, however, I think the film benefited
by having Jackie take over the directing…or maybe by having two
directors with different visions. The action starts out with a
pulse-pounding car
chase with the kidnappers (and I am usually bored to tears by car
chases) and seems to keep building as the film goes along. The tension
keeps mounting until the final showdown
between Chan and the kidnappers: an incredible free-for-all with flying
tables, chairs, televisions, shovels—you name it--along with plenty of
guns and explosions. Perhaps the action takes a bit of a back seat to
the story and drama in this one, but it has an edge to it that is really
unique in a Chan film, and that elevates the stunts and fight scenes to
a whole new level of intensity. You’ve never seen a Chan film like
this, and maybe the good guy won’t win this time. Who knows?
Score: 8/10

Reader Reviews
Fan1986's Review: Although this is very different for a Chan movie,
it is pretty good. The first shootout at the beginning of the movie is a
different style of action for Chan, it is very suspenseful and action
packed. This has one of the better stories for a Hong Kong action movie,
with JC playing a serious role as a cop on the edge. This film proves
that JC not only can play funny, comedic roles, but is a very good actor
in a serious role as well. Watch this if you are fans of Chow Yun Fat's
John Woo movies, or just a JC fan, but be prepared for something a
little different.
Score: 8/10...pretty good film

D.'s Review: Some fan of Jackie Chan said that Jackie take over the
directors and finish the film. It is not quit true. There was problem
between the two over a sex scene, but it never became a Jackie's movie.
It is a Kirk Wong Movie. In the style and the story. It is Kirk Wong's
project and it's him who ask Jackie to play in it. This film are part of
a so-called trilogie about HK police, the others movies was Rock n' roll
cop and OTCB. I always been a Kirk Wong films. His passion are the crime
film and his style close to the Ringo Lam movies. Realistic, gritty,
dark and meticulous. Check the first Wong movie The Club, a film about
triad with a real ex-member of triad and a martial artist to see the
degree of violence Wong films use to get in it. Then, at first the idea
of a Wong's film with Jackie Chan may seem strange. And many many
western fans of Jackie may feel cheat.. or bored. But give the film a
chance... To be able to appreciate the film, forget every idea of a
Jacky Chan movie. think a Wong movie with Jackie Chan as star. Jackie
try hard to change the project, he tried hard to change the final cut...
And he succed in many way, for exemple he disike the psychologist
actress and then her role became minore instead of the love affaire Wong
want at first. But the film remains a good. Particularly the dark side
of the police work. Jackie force to protect a man he despise, Jackie
traumatised by violence. All side of a "hero" really humanised.
Kirk Wong prevent us to enjoye too much the action by some tricks. For
exmeple each time a police are hurt, his healt condition appeare on
screen. As for OTCB and Rock N' Roll Cop, the suspense are build slowly
and the police work are show in detail. I particulary enjoye the Boat
scene where Jackie learn who is behind the kidnaping. Finally, i enjoye
the humanisation of Jackie's charactere. He is human and by no mean a
super man. See his reaction when he discover he is in the gangster
"base". His reaction, his worries... ect ect.... I like the
Jackie Chan's comedie (i prefere his 80's movies) but see Jackie play in
an "auteur" film, it is a wlecome changement (yes author film
as Kirk Wong always make movie about the same concepte, with strong
visual and stylistic link between them). For those who doubt it is a
Kirk Wong movie, i suggest The CLub, Gunmen, OTCB, Rock N' Roll cops,
very good serious realistic crime drama.
Score: 9/10

HERVEY TAYLOR's Review: Yet another
Chan movie that is in his set of "different films" and I liked
Although this is definately not one of my favorites, it is still a good
It's a good Hong kong, Jackie Chan, and a good movie period.
This movie along with "Heart of Dragaon",
"Gorgeous", "Drunken Master 2", and "Thunderblot"
proves that Chan is a fine actor. He can play a funny guy or a dramatic
person that calls for tears of a serious face.
Yes there was little action in it. But this is a dramatic role.
Campare it to Rush Hour and then see how they have the same amount of
Yes, I know that this movie should not be compared to Rush Hour, but I
do because he is in both of them. This is a winner in the Drama
department and serious police thriller area too.
Though it's not for everyone I still give it two thumbs up.
Score: 7.5/10

M's Review: I was disappointed immensely. I am all for Jackie
turning to drama as a credible actor but this character was just boring
and "blah"....didn't suit Jackie at all. Too bad, sounded like
a good idea.
Score: 5.5/10

Game's Review: Crime Story is possible the best movie Jackie has
ever done. Jackie plays the part well, proving that more then just
comedy is in his arsenal. I guess not too many people liked the movie
because it had few fights and hardly any stunts. It bothers me that
people who only watch to see a fight or Jackie to take a big stunt
actually write reviews. I mean, come on, if you're not here to see
Jackie as an actor, etc, then go watch a Jet Li movie.
Crime Story, his best, in my top 5 right behind Police Story.
Score: 10/10

øivind aas'
Review: Plot:When a hong kong buisinessman gets kidnapped, inspector
eddie chan (jackie) is on the case, working with his partner. They are
everywhere looking for the kidnappers but unfortuenealy no trace found
yet. But sooner or later the puzzle-pieces are falling together and
eddie realizes that everything is not what it seems with his partner
Review: Based on a real event. This is one of jackies most serious
movies ever.
Score: 8/10
Joe's Review: Most thinks this as a drama with some action, but
I still refer to it as an action movie with drama involved. I liked it, but not the
Score: 6.5/10

ChanManFan's Reveiw: This is a very different Jackie Chan film. The action is a little more subdued, and Jackie carries the dramatic nature of the plot very well. The car chase at the beginning is
Score: 6/10

Cristopher's Review: This film is good becouse Jackie
Chan is very good when he play serious story (like heart of dragon) isn't this the movies that crushed JC
Score: 9.9/10

Adam JC fan's Review: his was a very serious
movie. Jackie Chan is tough and wants the truth.
Score: 7.5/10

Review: This is an entertaining action drama, with Jackie's acting skills really being well displayed. This is VERY DIFFERENT for Jackie- the film's producers and backers must have had some doubts over its potential success. However, it's a great movie. The car-chase/shootout scene is awesome. Get ready for something incredibly different from Jackie, and you'll enjoy this great
Score: 7.5/10